Montag, 5. August 2024



15. - 31. August 2024
Residency - Exhibition
Gallery ATAL
curated by Cecilia Stelini
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Paper Mural: 150 x 300 cm, gouache on paper   

Photo: Salossi-Fotografie, colour-editing: Eva Wal

VATA KATH Alter Ego by make up artist Sisi Can

Photographed by Salossi-Fotografie 

Printed for Brazil 


VATA KATH – Flecha e Pão


VATA KATH, a creature of pure fiction, gazes from one of Eva Wal’s large paintings. She calls these paintings, three meters or more in height or width, “paper murals”, painted with gouache on paper rolls.

In this exhibition we see originals as well as prints from the paintings that were too large to bring from Germany to Brazil.

Eva Wal’s colourful paintings show phantastic worlds inhabited by creatures that seem somehow outlandish. They present themselves quite self-conscious, curious, bearing wisdom and maybe some secrets in their strange or even weird appearances.

The paintings are not planned or constructed at all. They are created in a state of flow.

Each of them reflects an experience similar to a journey to an unknown land or continent: the subconsciousness, reached by brushes and colours instead of an airplane.

Likewise, Eva Wal’s poems are full of strange and mysterious creatures and happenings that represent sometimes obscure worlds. The poet tells about her exciting and unpredictable experiences while changing speed and perspective and transforming images. The inner and outer melt into a cosmos reflecting spirit and a somehow wayward mind.

For this exhibition Eva Wal brings a poem, Flecha e Pão, inspired by the photos of iconic Brazilian photographer Claudia Andujar who lived and identified with the Yanomami. The power of her authentic and poetic images struck Wal and triggered her imagination. For her the arrow is a symbol for leaving one’s origin, place of birth and family, but also for travelling, flying to another continent. Furthermore, a poem can be an arrow, reaching out to connect places, even poles in the sense of opposites and contraries.

In ATAL, the artist will combine the concept of painting and poetry.

She will create a visual of Flecha e Pão using writing and drawing as well as a performance. The poem is translated from German to English and to Portuguese, together with Mateus Stelini.

Eva Wal will also present a new painting she did during her short residency, inspired by an open mind entering a new world, as it is her first visit to Brazil.

The colours for this painting were chosen beforehand, being made of natural ingredients from the area.

We hope the show will inspire the viewer.


Flecha e Pão, see Posting June, Juni 2024

Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2024

Lesung Spiegelbriefe


Virginia Woolf, Else Lasker-Schüler, Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickinson, Paul Válery, Charles Baudelaire, Simone de Beauvoir, Gabriela Mistral, Robert Frost, Edward Thomas, Friedrich Hölderlin, Peter Huchel, William Shakespeare u.a.
Eigene Gedichte von Eva Wal.

Konzept Eva Wal

work in progress

Dienstag, 23. Juli 2024

Ausstellung Spiegelbriefe

In einem literarischen Austausch schickten sich die beiden Künstlerinnen Eva Wal (Bonn, D) und Laurence Courdier (Sanary-sur-Mer, FR) Briefe, Postkarten, Collagen und Buchobjekte über vier Jahre lang mit der Post.
Diese Korrespondenz in Spiegelschrift, auf Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch präsentieren sie nun als Ausstellung entlang eines Zeitstrahls, weitgehend chronologisch, mit Sprüngen und in Wellen.

Kennengelernt haben sich die beiden 2019 bei einer Residenz-Ausstellung Wals in Sanary-sur-Mer, dem Wohnort Courdiers. Dort zeigte Eva Wal Textgewebe eigener Poesie, geschrieben vorwärts und rückwärts. 
So entdeckten die beiden Künstlerinnen ihre gemeinsame Disposition, natürlicherweise in Spiegelschrift schreiben zu können.


Ausstellungsrundgang im Uhrzeigersinn

Mit Postkarten fing es an

Über zwei Jahre hinweg beschäftigte sich Laurence Courdier mit Viginia Woolfs The Waves.

Sie verwendete die Passagen, in denen die Reise der Sonne beschrieben wurde.Über ein Jahr beschäftigte sich Laurence Courdier mit Viginia Woolfs The Waves.

Sie verwendete die Passagen, in denen die Reise der Sonne beschrieben wurde.

(Vitrine oben)

Auf dem Sockel: Hölderlins Schicksalslied, Chant du destin

zur Coronazeit (Eva Wal)

Zum Frühling: Emily Dickinson, Dear March und ein eigenes Märzgedicht

Gemeinschaftsarbeit, Sommer 2023

v.l.n.r: Mistralschlaf, Eva Wal, Buch der Richter (Bibel), (Laurence Courdier),
ganz rechts: Winter 2023: Ölbaum und Weide, Peter Huchel (Eva Wal)

Eröffnung mit Rede von Jürgen Middelmann, 
Leiter Kurfürstliches Gärtnerhaus