Donnerstag, 26. September 2024

VATA KATHA - Opening

Performance together with Mateus Stelini on my poem FLECHA E PÃO, translated into Portuguese by Mateus, obrigada!


Hear the poem, read by Mateus:



Obrigada Mathias Reis to visit the opening with his art students from Unicampi, as an alternative lecture, and for the photos!

Kleine Weltengeschichte

Small World Story

Estória de um pequeno mundo


Pfeil und Brot 

Arrow and Bread

Flecha e Pão


Eine Wolke aus Licht verdunkelt sich gibt den Blick frei

A cloud of darklight reveals a view

Uma nuvem de luz escura revela uma vista


auf einen Kontinent 

of a continent

de um continente


Dort sitze ich oder stehe im dunklen Licht oder ich
gehe gerade zum Kiosk und kaufe Brot

I‘m sitting there or standing in it or I’m

going to the kiosk and buying bread

Estou lá sentada ou em pé ou estou

indo para a padaria comprar pão


Die Straßen liegen gleißend hell
in der Stadt wie schläfrige Schlangen

The city streets lie glistening

like sleepy snakes

As ruas da cidade brilham

como cobras sonolentas


Mein Haus ist rosa meine Wolke eine Regenwolke aus Wünschen

My house is pink, my cloud a raincloud of wishes

Minha casa é rosa, minha nuvem é uma nuvem de chuva de desejos


Ich nehme das Brot und fasse hinein der Teig ist purpurn wie meine Zunge die Zähne spitz - Perlmutt mit Quecksilberkappen –

I take the bread and reach inside     grasp    the dough is purple like my tongue      the teeth sharpen – mother-of-pearl capped with quicksilver

Eu pego o pão e enfio a mão     amasso     a massa é roxa como minha lingua     os dentes

afiam – com lentes de estanho


Ich fasse in mich hinein öffne

I reach in and open myself

Alcanço dentro de mim e me abro

die Brust eine Luke bewachsen mit Laub es dampft daraus von heißem Zimt mit Milch von Bergaffen 

the chest  a hatch overgrown with foliage     it steams hot cinnamon with mountain monkey milk

o peito uma escotilha coberta de folhagem     com vapores quentes de canela com leite de macaco da montanha


Nachdem die Tauben alle hinausgeflogen sind nehme ich den Pfeil und werfe ihn los

After the pigeons have all flown, I take the arrow and let it loose

Depois que todas as pombas voaram, eu largo as flechas


Mein Haus ist aus Stein es hat einen Hof mit Mondkies und Blumen von Traurigkeit

My house is made of stone, its yard filled with moongravel and flowers of sadness

Minha casa é feita de pedra, o jardim coberto de cascalho lunar e flores de tristeza


Ich muss sie verwandeln sie sind schön
wie mein Pfeil mein gefiederter Pfeil glänzend schwarz und rot - ein See von Blut eine Nacht aus Rabenschwärze –

I must transform them    they’re beautiful

Like my arrow    my feathered arrow, glossy and black and red – a lake of blood a raven-black night

Eu preciso transformá-las     elas são lindas

Como minha flecha     minha flecha emplumada, brilhante e preta e vermelha – um lago de sangue uma noite de corvo negro


Die Blumen duften nach einem Morgen mit

hellem Regen (die Schlangen sind nach Hause gegangen in das Grün das ist ein unentdeckter Wald ein Taubendschungel voller Papageiengeschwätz und rauschendem Haar - und unten bei den Wurzelstädten träumen die Schlangen von Bergaffenmilch und Mondschwertern) are fragrant from a light morning rain (the snakes have gone home to the green

The flowers which is an undiscovered forest    a dove jungle full of parrot chatter and rustling hair – and below the tangled towns, snakes dream of mountain milk and moon swords)

As flores cheiram à uma manhã de chuva leve (as cobras voltaram para casa para o verde que é uma floresta não descoberta     uma selva de pombos cheia de tagarelice de papagaios e cabelos farfalhantes – e abaixo das cidades emaranhadas, as cobras sonham com leite de macaco da montanha e espadas lunares  


Ich trage das Gift meiner Herkunft in einer
Kapsel auf der Retina es mag schöne Farben haben
wie die Blumen wie das Brot aber es kann weder töten noch helfen

meine Pfeile tränke ich darin die Federn rufen mich zur Verwandlung

I carry the poison of my birth in a

capsule on the retina     it may hold beautiful colours

like flowers   like birds    but it can neither kill nor help     my arrows are soaked in it

Feathers summon me to transformation

Eu trago o veneno do meu nascimento numa

cápsula na retina     pode possuir cores bonitas

como flores     como pássaros     mas não pode matar nem ajudar

minhas flechas são embebidas nele

Penas me convocam para a transformação


Ich streife meine Haut ab eine bröckelige Rinde ein seidengewebtes Bild vom Baum mit Kondor Mücke Wolf Spinne Kolibri undsoweiter der Baum ist ja voller Leben

I peel off my skin     a crumbling bark     a silk-woven image of the tree with condor, mosquito, wolf, spider, hummingbird and so on     yes, the tree is full of life

Eu troco de pele     uma casca que se desfaz     uma imagem tecida em seda da árvore com condor pernilongo lobo aranha beija-flor e assim por diante

sim, a árvore é cheia de vida


Rinde und Seide sind Geschwister     das Bild verblasst und verrieselt mit der Rinde

Bark and silk are sisters    the picture pales and crumbles with the bark

Casca e seda são irmãs     a imagem desbota e se desfaz com a casca


Wolke bin ich nun Wolke inmitten der schwarzen Sonne über allen Ozeanen -  wie Eisschollen treiben die Kontinente darin

I am now a cloud    a cloud in the middle of the black sun above all oceans – the continents float in them like sheets of ice

Eu agora sou uma nuvem     uma nuvem no centro do sol negro sobre todos os oceanos – os continentes flutuam neles como blocos de gelo


Ich erhebe mich als bunt gefiederter Pfeil

I soar like a colourful feathered arrow

Eu voo como uma flecha de plumas coloridas


Mein Flug beschreibt einen Bogen und ist ein zitternder Federtanz voller Kraft und tödlich heilender Medizin

My flight describes an arc     is a trembling featherdance full of power and deadly healing

Meu voo descreve um arco     é uma dança de penas trementes cheia de poder e cura mortal


Das Sichtbare ist nun unsichtbar

The visible is now invisible

O visível é agora invisível


Eva Wal



Residency and solo-exhibition, gallery ATAL, Campinas São Paulo, Brazil,

curated by Cecilia Stelini





  exhibition, photo gallery


In this exhibition I combine painting with poetry and the vision of the alter ego as creator.

Vata Katha, a creature of pure fiction, is featured as my alter ego. You see her twice: depicted on the fabric in the vitrine and in the first room on a print of the original huge painting (which could not travel to Brazil), and, second, on the photos showing the artist's Vata Katha face.

make-up artist: Sisi Can

My poem "Pfeil und Brot", "arrow and bread", was a vision of my journey to Brazil, the arrow representing a travel to another continent as well as a poem that can connect opposite poles through its flight.

The poem was translated into English by my poet friend Pat Winslow and into Portuguese by Mateus Stelini: "Flecha e Pão". I loved the Portuguese version so much that I finally abandoned the German and collaborated with Mateus on a performance of the poem in Portuguese.



Hear the poem, read by Mateus Stelini:



You can read the poem in German and English on this Blog, see: lyrik

or at the end of the next posting: Opening


During the residency I created a collage on Flecha e Pão.


I used Brazilian natural colours for my work on the collage, for new paintings, sketches, writings and furthermore to work on paintings I brought to Brazil.

These paintings I had partly ripped apart, using the destruction as an artistic pratize to make them fit into the suitcase.

They became material for new works, open to spontaneous ideas and new inspirations.




photo: Mathias Reis

photo: Mathias Reis

photo: Mathias Reis


photo: Mathias Reis

"Melancholia", 3 meters long, gouache on paper

New paintings and a new alter ego evolving:



Gallery ATAL, Rua Antonia Lapa 609, Campinas, Brazil


(C) Fotos, if not noted otherwise: Eva Wal, VG Bild