Donnerstag, 26. September 2024



Residency and solo-exhibition, gallery ATAL, Campinas São Paulo, Brazil,

curated by Cecilia Stelini





  exhibition, photo gallery


In this exhibition I combine painting with poetry and the vision of the alter ego as creator.

Vata Katha, a creature of pure fiction, is featured as my alter ego. You see her twice: depicted on the fabric in the vitrine and in the first room on a print of the original huge painting (which could not travel to Brazil), and, second, on the photos showing the artist's Vata Katha face.

make-up artist: Sisi Can

My poem "Pfeil und Brot", "arrow and bread", was a vision of my journey to Brazil, the arrow representing a travel to another continent as well as a poem that can connect opposite poles through its flight.

The poem was translated into English by my poet friend Pat Winslow and into Portuguese by Mateus Stelini: "Flecha e Pão". I loved the Portuguese version so much that I finally abandoned the German and collaborated with Mateus on a performance of the poem in Portuguese.



Hear the poem, read by Mateus Stelini:



You can read the poem in German and English on this Blog, see: lyrik

or at the end of the next posting: Opening


During the residency I created a collage on Flecha e Pão.


I used Brazilian natural colours for my work on the collage, for new paintings, sketches, writings and furthermore to work on paintings I brought to Brazil.

These paintings I had partly ripped apart, using the destruction as an artistic pratize to make them fit into the suitcase.

They became material for new works, open to spontaneous ideas and new inspirations.




photo: Mathias Reis

photo: Mathias Reis

photo: Mathias Reis


photo: Mathias Reis

"Melancholia", 3 meters long, gouache on paper

New paintings and a new alter ego evolving:



Gallery ATAL, Rua Antonia Lapa 609, Campinas, Brazil


(C) Fotos, if not noted otherwise: Eva Wal, VG Bild