Eröffnung/ opening DAS GROSSE FRAGEZEICHEN/ The Big Questionmark by Diana Bell, 26. August, Remigiusplatz, Bonn, with Bezirksbürgermeister Helmut Kollig, Lord Mayor of Oxford and performance of poets from Oxford Stanza 2 and Dada war alles gut, Bonn - zur Feier der 70 Jahre Städtepartnerschaft Oxford-Bonn.
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celebrate 70 years of Bonn-Oxford-twinning.
Bill Jenkinson, Eva Wal, Heike Keßler, Maria Müller, Louise Larchbourne, Andrew Shelton, Sharon D. Cohagan, Inge Milfull, Pat Winslow, Stella Shakerchi, Nelly Neukirchen
Fotos by Thomas Nicolaou, Oxford
Many thanks!
(c) Thomas Nicolaou