Dienstag, 1. November 2022

Three Poems of The Unbroken Forest


From a collection of six poems I wrote during my travels with the Broken Forest artists' group this summer in Ontario, Canada (see "kalender" on this Blog).





You may enter here

on tiptoe


Please, leave your luggage and your

Litter, carry only what is you


Put your bare feet down

tender and firm


Like a lover caress the ground


Touch, walk!


You will step on my ancestors

that hold my roots tangled in



I move slow


Twigs and leaves speak through me so

you understand

This is your first lesson with me



You may now touch my bark

Rub your back against it like

a bear not too hungry not too weary



for this experience - Breathe

in - Breathe out


Take your time before

you leave my realm


A memory of you may stay

with me for a while

A slice of eternity with an imprint of


your voice

your mind

your soul


Miigwetch! Thank you!




The Plunge



A river runs

a canopy rustles

a skunk appears

a raccoon clings to the branch of a cedar

a spider weaves

a cocoon opens

a beetle sways on a birch leaf in the morning mist

and falls onto old trees' mulch


You take the plunge



















Step onto a new path

into a new age


Keep moving at steady speed


                                     keep moving. 



In the Forest



Breathe with me

Call me a tree

Where spirits are summoned

In the forest


Balsam or pine

Maple, ash, birch, too, is fine

As long as your look is clear

In the forest


Let us commune and let us commute

I am canopy and I am root

Whisper and chant is my home

In the forest


Feel my colours glow

wandering in the flow

of time-woven beads

In the forest.








Images from the Old Growth Forest in Temegami, Ontario, August 2022